Bowl turned from elm crotch - 5" diameter - poly finish
Bandsaw Box 1 - walnut, oak, hackberry, 4" tall, 6" wide
Bandsaw Box 2 - walnut, oak, hackberry, 4" tall, 6" wide
Carver's Mallet turned from elm with hard wax finish - 11"
Bandsaw Box 3 - walnut, oak, hackberry, avodire veneer
Opening the lid of Bandsaw Box 3 - 4" tall, 6" wide
3 Letter Openers - walnut and Bradford pear -10" long
Another Letter Opener - walnut and oak - 10" long
3 Flowers and Pots - about 8" tall - cherry flowers, pine pots
2 more Flowers and Pots - about 8" tall - cherry flowers, pine pots
Small Vase and Flower - 6" tall - vase is turned from cedar branch
Salad Tongs - 12" long - elm with walnut dowel
2 Artsy Bowls turned from one hollow elm knot - about 5" diameter
The raw materials for one of the hollow elm knot bowls
Model of a 3" socket - turned from glued-up 2x4s
2 Shoe Horns - about 12" long - Bradford pear